Custom Design Services

PRYSM delivers optimized, custom designs for even the most challenging sites.

In the highly competitive renewables industry, front-end design has advanced from a black box into a critical path for maximizing value. Margins are slim, technology is ever-changing, and rules of thumb no longer apply. The days of off-the-shelf designs and flat parcels are nearing an end. Developers must customize to survive. Iteration, optimization and cost control must be executed rapidly to ensure a project’s success. PRYSM believes in a collaborative front-end approach. Our team works alongside the development team to quickly identify major cost impacts and savings opportunities. We then leverage this information to create a customized, optimized plant design that meets both developer’s and the offtaker’s specific needs... all at the speed of development.

Here are just a few key factors PRYSM considers to help maximize the value of your plant:

Site Perimeter

  • Identify setbacks, fencing and access requirements
  • Maximize laydown and staging areas
  • Analyze stormwater handling needs

Combiner Boxes

  • Ensure code compliance
  • Optimize number of inputs
  • Minimize field labor and commissioning by utilizing pre-manufactured components

Transmission Lines and Interconnection

  • Analyze voltage levels and grid requirements
  • Provide pricing and loss calculations
  • Support interconnection process


  • Minimize mismatch through positive binning
  • Maximize power density and string voltage
  • Minimize unnecessary string cable runs and losses
  • Optimize module orientation and string configuration
  • Minimize handling through staging and automation

DC Cabling

  • Calculate cable lengths and losses
  • Ensure best practices for safety and longevity
  • Optimize cable sizing for each homerun
  • Compare cost of trenching vs. overhead runs


  • Optimize ILR through iteration
  • Optimize inverter to module MPP curve
  • Minimize costly field assembly and commissioning by specifying factory - installed options
  • Identify warranty and O&M concerns and potential solutions

Site Layout

  • Optimize GCR through iteration
  • Identify roadway and O&M access constraints
  • Optimize block size and orientation
  • Minimize civil works


  • Minimize cable install by specifying factory - installed wire management
  • Maximize power density and row length
  • Minimize AC and control cabling requirements
  • Analyze points of failure and O&M concerns
  • Ensure compliance with wind and snow loads
  • Specify options for rapid commissioning


  • Analyze site for potential soil constraints
  • Minimize labor cost through automation
  • Analyze stormwater handling needs