
PRYSM understands that the solar power industry is highly dynamic, and time is a valuable resource to our clients. That is why PRYSM moves at the speed of development. Our team is known for its responsiveness and our ability to mobilize quickly. We can turn around a full preliminary design package in as a little as two weeks.


PRYSM is selective with our clients, and we are committed to managing our workload to ensure that our team can dedicate its full attention to your projects. We have eliminated the layers of middle management and bureaucracy found at traditional engineering firms, and streamlined our design processes as a result.


The needs of each client and project are unique. No one understands this better than PRYSM. We custom design each project to ensure energy and cost optimization, and maximize the ultimate revenue from your Power Purchase Agreements. Our contract structures are flexible in order for PRYSM to perform only the services you truly need, and eliminate any unnecessary or extraneous scopes of work.









The Prysm Difference

  • PRYSM is lean and flexible. Our low overhead equates to savings for our clients, and our team can be at your offices or on the project site at a moment’s notice.

  • PRYSM guarantees client satisfaction. Our contract milestones are structured so that you have the opportunity to make a “go” or “no-go” decision midway through the design efforts.

  • In a matter of weeks, you will have a quality design package at a minimal cost. This will provide you better financing terms, more project value in a project development flip, and more accurate EPC bids with minimal contingencies.

  • PRYSM’s team comes from the EPC side of the industry, and has worked together for years. We know EPC pricing, and can separate the EPC markups from the actual project costs to save you money.

  • PRYSM’s design packages are specific to each project and provide significantly more value than the alternative copy-and-paste budgetary designs and inaccurate, historical pricing data provided by EPC companies.

  • We prevent you from damaging relationships with EPC companies by soliciting budgetary information from them without promises of future work.

  • PRYSM’s packages are guaranteed to be high quality. Other engineering consulting firms may provide “free” budgetary designs with expectations of future work, but keep in mind—you get what you pay for.

  • PRYSM’s design deliverables are agreed upon with you up front with no surprises. With a traditional consultant, you are guaranteed to see scope creep, bloated hourly rates, and a segmented team with long ramp-up times.